Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday, November 14, 2009

pikachu and pichu

Pikachu is probably the most famous Pokemon ever created even though it was not the first created.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Victorian Day

On 5th febuary we had a victorian day at school.

Here is my diary for the day.

Victorian Day
February 5th 2009
The day started when Mr O’Brien (a.k.a Mr Cobblepots) lined us up with boys in one line and girls in the other. Everyone had gone to a lot of effort, even down to some blackening their faces and having bare feet. Our packed lunches were cleverly disguised in paper bags or handkerchiefs or tea-towels. There wasn’t a book bag in sight!
He then walked us into the hall. Everyone stared at us in our costumes wondering who and what we were supposed to be. He shouted at us for the slightest thing. We had to sit quietly with straight backs. We tried not to fidget with our strange costumes.
After assembly, Mr Cobblepots led us into our classroom which was now called Hackney Elementary Standard IV. The windows had been blackened out and the displays had been covered with black material. The desks had been placed in rows and there were two prayers which had been written on black paper, hanging on the walls.
We went in and sat down. Boys were told not to sit next to the girls. There was a sense of expectation as we started to recite the prayers.
After that we had Arithmetic. We had to recite the 2 timestable over and over again. Then Kieron started to talk and Mr. O’Brien made him stand against the wall with the DUNCE hat on.
After everyone had quietened down it was time for History. Half of the class went to Music whilst the rest of us drew the Union Jack with chalk on small blackboards.
When everyone came back we started Science. In Science we drew apples and labelled what part of the apple it was. Half way through the lesson Mrs Skinner said that it was time to go outside for some fresh air. When we came in again we went back to our Science work.
After Science was Music for the people who hadn’t done it before. Mr Cobblepots escorted us there. We were not allowed to talk. When we got to Music we had to sing the English National Anthem(BOO! HISS!). We then had to sing some nursery rhymes and then we sang a song and learnt the main scale.
When we were back in class Mr. Cobblepots caned William for talking in class. He said he would give him, ‘Three of the best!’ Then he said he had an important announcement to make and he gave us each a Graduation Certificate.
After we had received our Graduation Certificate and had a class photo taken, Mr. Cobblepots turned back into Mr O’Brien and said that the day was finally over and we could relax again!
I would really have hated going to a Victorian school because it was a really harsh environment to be in and so scary that I’m amazed anyone learnt anything.
By Tom H
Hi Fellow bloggers.

If you don't know me i'm Tom.

Before we start i would like to thank my teacher Mr O'brien for getting me into blogging.